Ep 23 - Love of Cosplay

Dressing up in a costume used to be for kids on Halloween and actors at amusement parks. But cosplay has really taken off in the past decade due to conventions and the fact geek is chic now. This week, we share our memories of costumes we wore as kids, costumes we've made and the ones we would love to wear one day. All it takes is a little imagination, a little skill with a glue gun and sewing needle and the sky is the limit.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Jennifer Hetzel, Lanie Moore, Bryan Stephens

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Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 22 - Life Swap

What if you had the power to bring back a celebrity who died in their prime? What music, movies, books or art would they, could they have gone on to create if only given the chance? What if I told you in order to bring them back you had to take another's like in return? Who would you pick, you know, besides Hitler? This week we resurrect some of our favorite celebrities that died before their time and offer up lives of those who really aren't doing much with the life they have in return. Don't worry, it's not as dark as it sounds.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Lanie Moore, Andrew Parker

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 21 - Great TV Theme Songs

One of the best parts of a TV show is the theme song. While most modern TV shows don't have a great theme or at least anything more than a few notes (Lost, Agents of Shield), the shows we grew up watching had awesome ones! This week, we take a trip down memory lane and share some of favorite theme songs; instrumental, lyrical and of course cartoons! The audio is a little off because of Eugene's drainage so sorry about that. Enjoy!

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn, Kelly Bolden

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 20 - Unfinished Business

Sometimes things fall through the cracks especially when doing a show of some sort. Someone mentions something, an idea is proposed and shelved for another time, etc. It happens to most podcasters and YouTube shows and that includes us. But we're going back and filling in the cracks! This week, the group looks back over the previous 19 episodes and tries to answer those unanswered questions. What is the deal with Cyrus and peanut butter?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Bryan Stephens

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 19 - Best & Worst TV Moms

In honor of Mother's Day, we decided to discuss our favorite TV and movie moms. The ones we wished could have been our mom in another life. Then we talked about the other moms on the spectrum; the ones we can't stand, the ones who have no business raising children. And believe it or not, we even had a few mothers make both lists. 

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 18 - Tabletop Games

Tabletop games, to include board games, card games and RPGs are experiencing a renaissance. More and more people are getting hooked on new, in-depth, fun and inventive games and we thought it was time to share our love of them. This week the group, well, Louis and Eugene at least, discuss their memories of playing tabletop games, how they got back into them and some of their favorites. If you love tabletop games, this is the episode for you. If not, maybe they can spread the love. Its so more than just Monopoly now!

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn, Louis Vasquez

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 17 - 2016 Summer Movie Game Preview

It's that time again; time to buy your tickets, grab a dumpster size bucket of popcorn and wash it down with a kiddie pool of soda while watching the summer's biggest blockbusters! But which movie will be #1 at the box office this year? This week the group previews the movies coming out this summer and gives you low down on what movies you should consider putting on your Summer Movie Game ballot. Can Captain America defend the top spot from a fish with memory issues? Which group will take the top spot, Suicide Squad or X-Men?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 16 - Geek Coat of Arms

A coat of arms is used to represent a person's family and lineage. But how could an outdated family coat of arms really represent you in modern times? This week the group creates our own geek coat of arms. Each person was tasked with choosing colors, symbols for the shield, a crest, supports and a motto. The end result is actually a pretty accurate description of our geeky passions.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Lanie Moore, Jason Horn, Andrew Parker

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 15 - The List: Sega Genesis

When it comes to classic video game systems, few consoles evoke as many fond memories as the Sega Genesis. For many of us it was our first introduction to fanboy-ism; the battle line between Genesis and Nintendo was as fearsome as anything you see today. This week we each bring our personal lists of the top 5 Genesis games and combines them into one master list. What game will take the #1 spot? 

NOTE: Due to a technical issue the sound quality of the last part of the episode is not up to par and we had to abbreviate our discussion. Thanks Time Warner Cable!

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn, Louis Vasquez, Bryan Stephens, Derrick Gott

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music

Ep 14 - Good & Bad Book to Movie Adaptations

Those of us who love books have probably dreamt about seeing one of our favorite novels coming to life on the big or small screen at some time. And while some books have been translated masterfully like The Lord of the Rings, others not so much, like Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. This week we take a look at the good and the bad and why the stories we loved so much on the page didn't work out so well on a screen. Which is better, read the book or watch the movie first? Is it possible to be a bad adaptation and still be a good movie or TV show?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Kelly Bolden

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music