
Ep 168 - Legacy Sitcom Seasons

Legacy sequels are nothing new but doing them the right way seems to be. Several movies have done it to include Ghostbusters and Top Gun and so have several TV series like Roseanne, now The Conners, and Night Court. So we thought we would give it a shot. This month, we each pick a sitcom series and create several episodes for a legacy season.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Joseph Moroles

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Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 77 - Con Life Drinking Game

We love conventions! The vendors. The speakers. The cosplayers. But after awhile, they all kinda start to run together. This week we're creating a drinking game about them. See a Deadpool, take a drink. Celebrity has a melt down, everyone drink. This will either be epic or kill you... lets find out.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Cosplay Meg

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Ep 68 - LIVE at Geekfest Preview 2017

We're live fro Geekfest Preview 2017. And what better way to learn about our fellow geeks than doing some geeky either or trivia. If you were going to reboot the DC movie universe, how would you do it? If someone was going to write the score for your life, who would it be? If you were a super hero would you wear spandex or armor? All of these questions and more will be answered!

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin

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Ep 32 - LIVE from Geekfest 2016

This episode was recorded in front of a live studio audience. And by live studio audience, we mean the one random guy that wondered in while we were doing the show and the awesome group that were watching the live stream on Cy's YouTube channel. So it still counts! We go back to an old favorite and ask some more geeky either or questions. So which Star Wars vehicle did our crew choose to pilot; a tie fighter or AT-AT? Telekinesis of telepathy? Find out now.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Andrew Parker, Bryan Stephens

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Ep 23 - Love of Cosplay

Dressing up in a costume used to be for kids on Halloween and actors at amusement parks. But cosplay has really taken off in the past decade due to conventions and the fact geek is chic now. This week, we share our memories of costumes we wore as kids, costumes we've made and the ones we would love to wear one day. All it takes is a little imagination, a little skill with a glue gun and sewing needle and the sky is the limit.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Jennifer Hetzel, Lanie Moore, Bryan Stephens

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Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

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