
Ep 182 - Ruining Movie Remakes

There are some movies that should never be remade because they are classics, or they are too much of their time, or one of several other reasons. So of course this month we’re going to remake them. But not just remake them, ruin them on purpose using some of the worst tropes used in movies today. Imagine Jaws but it now begins with seeing the shark being hurt by humans or seeing it’s mother killed in front of it. Because even the murderous shark needs a backstory.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

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Ep 144 - Reboot, Remake or Sequel 3

We’re going back to another favorite topic, that Hollywood seems to love as well; reboot, remake or sequel. The time the group can pick 2 properties from film, TV, video game or books to either make a reboot, remake or sequel from. Which would you choose for Clue, The X-Files or Harry Potter?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren, Joseph Moroles, Jesse Ruiz

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Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 103 - Halloween Movie Board Games

What do you get if you cross a vampire with Monopoly? I don't know either, but maybe we'll find out. This week the group turns some of our favorite Halloween movies into board games.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew

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Ep 64 - Epically Geeky: The Board Game

Remember when Monopoly was just Monopoly? Not Star Wars Monopoly, or The Walking Dead Monopoly? There is something fun about the idea of giving one of those classic board games like Monopoly, Risk or Clue a new coat of paint especially when that paint is the theme of one of our favorite TV shows or movies. This week we're going to adapt our own versions of those games for the website. What would Cy's piece look like in Monopoly? Who would Lanie be Clue? What countries will Kris dominate in Risk?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

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Ep 57 - Overly Simplified Movie Plots

We've all seen those hilarious movie plot summaries that distill it down to one or two sentences. like for example: "Stockholm syndrome drives a young woman to commit beastiality." Of course that is Beauty and the Beast. This week we take a shot at creating our own. Make sure to hit the pause button so you can try to guess the movies along with the rest of the group.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn

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Ep 55 - Board Game to Movie Adaptations

Hollywood has figured out how to translate most anything into an awesome movie; books, comics, video gam... well, maybe not video games. But the 1985 classic Clue proves its possible to do it with a board game. This week the group attempts to turn some of our favorite board games into cinematic masterpieces, or at least pretty good popcorn movies. 

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn, Picky Old Gamer

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Ep 34 - Assigned Movie Roles

Have you ever sat around with your friends and determined who would be who in a given movie? Sure you have, everyone does. This week, it's our turn. We chose some classic geeky movies and as a group, figured out who would play who... even the members that didn't make it on the show. So who would Cy and Eugene be in Star Wars? What characters best reflect Lanie and Kris in Lord of the Rings? Which Avengers best represent Ray and Jay? But more importantly, who would Rudy and Louis be in the Harry Potter Universe?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin

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Ep 18 - Tabletop Games

Tabletop games, to include board games, card games and RPGs are experiencing a renaissance. More and more people are getting hooked on new, in-depth, fun and inventive games and we thought it was time to share our love of them. This week the group, well, Louis and Eugene at least, discuss their memories of playing tabletop games, how they got back into them and some of their favorites. If you love tabletop games, this is the episode for you. If not, maybe they can spread the love. Its so more than just Monopoly now!

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Cyrus Martin, Jason Horn, Louis Vasquez

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Ep 11 - Obscure Quotes

Everyone knows and quotes movies and TV shows like Star Wars and The Office. But what about those quotes we throw out that are a little more obscure? When someone says, " make a long story short," do you reply, "too late?" Are you constantly, "someone's huckleberry?" This week we share some of the more obscure quotes we pull from and how we use them to suss out the other cool kids around us.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Lanie Moore, Cyrus Martin, Derrick Gott

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