Ep 55 - I'm Just Not Feeling It

It’s time to catch up with the group and see what they have been working on. And that’s apparently not much. Sure, some progress is being made on different projects but for the most part everyone seems to be in a rut. Is it the weather? Is it the economy? Is it the political climate? All of the above? If you’ve found it’s getting harder to get your creative juices flowing, you’re not alone.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

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Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Ep 55 - I'm Just Not Feeling It
Epically Geeky

Ep 54 - Interview With Amber Palmer

It’s the first episode of our new format and our first interview on the show! This month, we’re chatting with Amber Palmer, self-published author of the Darkness and Fire Series, the Wicked Dark Doulogy, and the brand new Between the Pines novel. Amber discusses what it’s like being an author, promoting and getting her name out there and how she channels her creativity into her writing.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Amber Palmer

Find more about Amber at her website AmberPalmerAuthor.com

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Ep 54 - Interview With Amber Palmer
Epically Geeky

Ep 53 - Snowing Where?

Seriously, it’s snowing where? South Texas should not be getting more snow than Canada. In any case, the crew discusses their current projects; everything from getting rid of old Christmas decorations, to sketching, to updating a raspberry pie. They also announce a change in the schedule for future episodes. Make sure to check out the episode to find out what’s on the horizon.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 53 - Snowing Where?
Epically Geeky

Ep 52 - What Did I Say?

Halloween is over and we’re heading into the Christmas season (with a quick layover for Thanksgiving). So we’re recounting what we’ve done the past 2 months and kind of looking ahead. We’re all tired so no one has huge plans. But we do discuss how learning from a pro sets your expectations going forward and looking back. Or not. Like I said, it’s been a rough week.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 52 - What Did I Say?
Epically Geeky

Ep 51 - Voice Work

Cy is recording voice work again and has come back to YouTube. Eugene is working on costumes. Ray’s watching hockey and Kris is watching trash TV. All is right in the world. Now, if we can just afford to live in it, thing’s might now be so bad.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 51 - Voice Work
Epically Geeky

Ep 50 - Im Not Going to Help You

It’s time once again to catch up on all of the creative projects we’ve been working on. It’s also time to start getting ready for our favorite time of year, Halloween. On this episode we discuss shops, costumes, and other long running projects. We also discuss what it’s like to grow up with little money and how that effects us, even to this day, as makers. And then go down a rabbit hole about death and what to do with our stuff. Fun times!

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 50 - I'm Not Going to Help You
Epically Geeky

Ep 49 - Maybe We Should Do a Parenting Podcast

Guess which episode it is? Forty nine. But you knew that because you read the show tittle and didn’t accidentally get your notes swapped around like Eugene did. So instead of our regularly scheduled show where we check in on the projects we are working on, we’re doing another episode where we discuss what we are watching, listening to, thinking about and doing. Spoiler alert! Deadpool & Wolverine and parenting.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 49 - Maybe We Should Do a Parenting Podcast
Epically Geeky

Ep 48 - Old Stuff

We’re chatting about all of the stuff we have been watching, listenings to, thinking about and doing. And the majority of it is older stuff. Old movies, old TV shows, old music. In some cases, what’s old is new again, or at least, new to us.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 48 - Old Stuff
Epically Geeky

Ep 47 - Its Not a Project Until Ray Bleeds

Cy is under the weather but the show must go on. This month Kris, Ray & Eugene discuss how their personal projects are coming along and how being injured sucks when trying to be creative. But it just comes with the territory for some of us because apparently unless Ray gets injured somehow, it doesn’t count as a project in the Andrew household.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 47 - Its Not a Project Until Ray Bleeds
Epically Geeky

Ep 46 - I'll Try to Remember to Remember

We’re catching up on all the stuff we’ve been watching, listening to, thinking about and doing. And not watching or listening to. Turns out we haven’t had a ton of time to watch and listen to stuff, a lot of us have been pretty busy building stuff and setting stuff up. And yes, I realize I’ve used the word stuff a lot. And I’m not going to change it. Stuff.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guests: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Cyrus Martin

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 46 - I'll Try to Remember to Remember
Epically Geeky