Ep 59 - New Spring

The Wheel of Time series started in 1984, spanned 14 books and was recently adapted into a series on Amazon Prime. So of course it has a prequel; everything that has that much story to tell has even more to tell right? In New Spring, we meet some of main characters, see how they met and set us up for the massive journey ahead. The question is, unlike many other prequels, is it any good?

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Shaun McLaren

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Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 58 - Quarter Share

This month we start on a series Shaun introduced us to that immediately grabbed us and wouldn’t let go. Quarter Share, the first in the Trader’s Tale from The Golden Age of the Solar Clipper (that’s a mouth full), follows a Ishmael Wong as he gets a job on a space faring trading ship and grows into the position. Along the way he finds he enjoys the work, his co-workers and his new life. That’s it. No space battles or aliens trying to kill everyone. Sounds rather mundane… and you’ll love every minute of it.

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

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Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 57 - Braiding Sweetgrass

This month Jennifer rejoins our crew as we discuss her book choice, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The book’s author brings her unique perspective to ecology and environmental protection by sharing her cultural background and the Potawatomi views on how we interact with the world around us. Through personal stories she explains how reconnecting to her past has helped her connect to her future and the future of this planet.

February - Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Jennifer Hetzel

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You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 56 - The Wizards Butler

Butler isn’t a job title most people would consider in this day and age. But tie the job to a 1 year contract, $5,000 a month and a cool million on completion and a lot of people might jump at it. But what if the old man you are taking care of thinks he is a wizard? What if he really is? This month we are reading The Wizard’s Butler by Nathan Lowell. We were a little late getting this one recorded and had already planned on taking off the month of December, so count this as an early Christmas present. Our next books will be:

January - Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

February - Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 55 - Angel Killer

Jessica Blackwood joined the FBI to get away from her famous, magician family and so she could help people by bringing bad guys to justice. But when a series of impossible murders happen, she is called into help evaluate how they were done using the skills she learned while performing magic on stage. This month we are reading Angel Killer by Andrew Mayne, the first in the Jessica Blackwood series. Our next books will be:

November - The Wizard’s Butler - Nathan Lowell

January - Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

February - Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 54 - Salems Lot

How have we gone 54 episodes of a geeky book club and not read a book by Stephen King yet? This month, we correct that oversight. And what better time to read a book by the modern day master of horror than to setup for Halloween! So when Mr. King asked himself, “what would Bram Stoker’s Dracula be like set in modern times (1970’s), “ the outcome was Salem’s Lot. Grab a stake and some holy water, the time of vampires is upon us. Our next books will be:

October - Angel Killer by Andrew Mayne

November - The Wizard’s Butler - Nathan Lowell

January - Braided Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

February - Quarter Share by Nathan Lowell

March - New Spring by Robert Jordan

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 53 - Project Hail Mary

Andy Weir blew everyone away with his first book The Martian. So when his newest book was a return to space, we were excited to read it. But it wasn’t what we were expecting… in a great way. This month, we’re reading Project Hail Mary and discussing why it felt so much like one of our favorite book series; for obvious reasons. Our next book will be Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 52 - Shadow and Bone

Based on the hit Netflix show… wait, other way around. This is the book that helped spawn a hit Netflix show about magic, good vs evil and of course, love; it is a YA book series after all. This month we read Kris’ pick, Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. Our next book will be:

August - Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

September - Salem’s Lot by Stephen King

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Shaun McLaren

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 51 - The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

This is the love story of Nick Offerman and and Megan Mullally. Or as you probably know them, Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec and Karen Walker from Will and Grace. This month we’re reading the hilarious story of how these two TV stars met and fell in love. Our next book will be:

July - Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo

August - Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

September - Salem’s Lot by Stephen King

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren, Jennifer Hetzel

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 50 - Greenlights

Alright, alright, alright. Actor, university professor, Texan. Matthew McConaughey has had an interesting life to say the least. While this is not technically a biography, he does share anecdotes from his life growing up in Texas, becoming “Mr. Romantic Comedy,” and his views of the world and how to live your best life. Our next books will be:

June - The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by Megan Lullally & Nick Offerman

July - Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo

August - Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

September - Salem’s Lot by Stephen King

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Shaun McLaren

Like the show? Support us by rating and reviewing wherever you listen.

You can also find us on Facebook, X and Instagram.

Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz