The Handmaid’s Tale

Ep 13 - Catching Up on Books

We've read a lot of books that have taken us on adventures to space, alternate dimensions and back in time. We've learned about how to hopefully save the planet, why it's ok to be weird on the internet and what was really going on behind the scenes during the filming of Star Wars. But not everyone was able to keep up or able to share their thoughts. This week we're going back and taking a second look at the books we've read over the last year. December's book will be: Off To Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Kris Andrew, Ray Andrew, Jennifer Hetzel, Elaine Moore

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Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz

Ep 9 - The Handmaid's Tale

In a post-apocalyptic world where most of the populous has become sterile, women who are able to give birth have become rare. But instead of being able to use this to their advantage, they have become breeding stock to the wealthy and powerful. Written by Margaret Atwood in 1985, The Handmaid's Tale is a terryfiying look at a future where women have lost almost all rights, even to those over their own bodies. We discuss the implications this would have on our world and of course ask that important question, "could this really happen?" We also announce our next book for July: Unstoppable by Bill Nye.

Host: Eugene Stephens

Guest: Jennifer Hetzel, Kelly Bolden

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Listen and subscribe to the show on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Audible, and YouTube.

Music by: Peter Emerson Jazz